Top 10 main functional system of the human body BBCCT 115

Top 10 main functional system of the human body

 Body system:- 

Human body is a serine of integrated system of organ, tissue and cells that work together to serve a common purpose -growth, metabolism reproduction survival, etc. required for survival and sustenance of life for example, the fluid, blood is an inter-related system that carried product of digested system to the body cells, excretory system and hormones of endocrine system. it is work with other parts in coordination manner to improve survival by maintaining a stable body environment. this stable internal environment within the body is known as homeostasis.

Top 10 main functional system of the human body

Cardiovascular system/circulatory system

The arteries, veins, capillaries and heart make up this system. the heart muscles help to pump blood into the network of blood vessels that carries necessary nutrition and gases to all parts of the body and , in return, collect waste.

Respiratory system

Our body consists of countless cell that require continuous supply of oxygen for their survival. the respiratory system which is made up of nose, nasopharynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles and lungs, help in the exchange of respiratory gases-oxygen and carbon-dioxide between the blood and the body 's cells. this system works together with the circulatory system.

Digestive system

Mouth, stomach, intestine, pancreas and liver are major of the human digestive system these organ work in a coordination manner to ingest, digest and absorb the food. the food is broken down in the body cells by the oxygen and releases energy.

Musculoskeletal system

This system comprises skeleton, muscle cells tendons, ligaments, and cartilage. it provided basis support and protection to the body. bones and muscle work together for the movement of the body. human body has 206 bones hold together to the ligaments. cartilage, tendons, and various joints  allow free movement between the bones. Man has over 600muscles in the muscular system. the system not only helps in the movement of arms, legs, feet, hands, fingers head and trunk but also helps in pushing food down the digestive tract, circulation of blood and removal of waste product.

Integumentary system

It include skin and its derivatives like hair and nails, and glands like sweat glands and sebaceous gland. it provided external structures that protect body from injury and infection agents.

Excretory system/renal system

Kidney, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra are components of excretory system. kidney is the main excretory organ that remove waste material from the blood and regulates concentration of body fluids.

Nervous system

Brains, neurons , spinal cord and sense organs are structural component of nervous or nerves are the specialized cells that from the network in the body to coordinate and regulate the body response to internal and external stimuli. it controls all activities via electrical or electrochemical impulses and regulate sensory response, behavior', memory , sleep, emotion, movement, and through sensory response, behavior's Centre for these activities.

Endocrine system

it is composed of small glands including pituitary ,thyroid ,adrenals ,pancreas , parathyroid , and gonads. these glands produce hormones (chemical messengers) into the blood for transportation to the target sites. it works with coordination of nervous system to regulate metabolism and body temperature. you will study about endocrine system in the fourth semester course hormones: biochemistry and function.

Reproductive system

the body has a system for the purpose of reproduction. male reproductive organ, testis and female reproductive organ, ovary produce sperms and ovum, respectively which fertilize and develop into a new offspring.

Immune system and lymphatic system

the immune system comprises a network of lymphatic vessels (carry a clear fluid called lymph) and lymphatic organs (thymus, bone marrow ) that produce t-cell and b-cells, antibodies, cytokines white blood cells etc. it is the defence system of the body to provide protection against pathogens and diseases.

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