Levels Of Organization BBCCT 115

 Levels of organization

All life forms on this planet are made up of non living matter such as organic and inorganic substances. living organism differ from non- living matter in their specific chemical composition. All living organisms share common fundamental characteristics such as growth, reproduction, movement, responsiveness, exchange of material, metabolism and homeostasis (keeping the body systems in balance) that differenteristics occur within the smallest biological unit, called a cell. Hence , a cell is the structural and functional unit of living organism. it has its own machinery to perform fundamental life processes as mentioned above.

 Recall the structure and function of cell described in the cell biology course. human body contains about 200 different types of cells such as muscle cells, epithelial cells, cardiac cells, liver cells, kidney cells, neurons cells, blood cells and immune cells etc. these cells are the basic building block of organs and organ system to perform specific function such as respiration, metabolism, digestion, communication and memory etc. within the body. based on these function ,they vary in shape and size.

Human body is made up of trillions of eukaryotic cells that are organized into different tissues, which further from the different body organs. these organs collectively constitute unique body systems.

Human body multiple levels of organization from simplest to the most complex from as shown in fig.... 

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